PBIS Teams
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports PBIS Teams
Administrative & Staff Commitment:
PBIS is a pro-active school-wide discipline system. In order to be successful, there must be commitment and agreement from the administrator and at least 80% of the staff for active support and participation. The PBIS school adopts a ‘universal approach’ which incorporates front loading behavioral expectations, reinforcing pro-social behavior, and re-teaching appropriate behaviors when necessary in order to prevent initial or continued occurrences of problem behavior.
School-Wide Climate Committee:
The School-Wide Climate Committee is our ‘universal team’ and meets once each month during the academic year to address the needs of about 80% of our students. This team coordinates on-going implementation of PBIS, analyzes data, and develops new interventions. The School-Wide Climate Committee is composed of 1 teacher per grade level, the principal, parents and representatives of all the building’s stakeholders.
Interventions include:
- yearly kick-off in the fall where behavioral expectations are clearly modeled and taught
- booster activities throughout the school year as indicated by data collection
- classroom wide programs as indicated by data collection – ie. bullying, tolerance
- consistent use of reinforcement systems – ie. ‘gotchas’ for classroom teachers, staff/monitors; attendance, playground and cafeteria bulletin boards; news and
- notes publications; recognition at monthly assemblies
- consistent use of office discipline referrals which generate our data for problem solving
Child Study Team:
The Child Study Team (CST) meets at least monthly during the school year to discuss students at risk of not meeting academic or behavior benchmarks and expectations. This is our ‘targeted intervention’ team which provides intensive or targeted interventions to support students (about 15% of the population) who are not responding to the universal approach. The team reviews and develops function-based support plans for individual or small groups of students identified as at-risk. The CST is composed of the child’s classroom teacher, principal, AIS teachers, school psychologist, child advocate, school nurse, and special education teachers.
Interventions may include:
- Academic restructuring for the student
- Functional Behavioral Assessment or Behavior Intervention Plan
- Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, or Speech Language Referrals
- Referral for Psycho-educational Evaluation
- Committee on Special Education Referral
- Referral to outside agencies
- Referral to in school support groups
- Nursing or health services
- Computer Assisted Learning
- RtI (Response to Intervention) or AIS (Academic Intervention Services)
Wrap Around Team:
Specialized school staff provide leadership in developing individualized wraparound teams for students with the most serious behavioral and/or academic needs (about 5% of a school population) and partner with local mental health staff and other community representatives.
Interventions may include:
- Functional Behavioral Assessment & Behavioral Intervention Plan
- Intensive Case Management
- Possible Academic Restructuring
- Committee on Special Education Referral
- Mental Health Referral
- Department of Social Services Involvement
- Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy or Speech/Language Referral
- Child Protective Services involvement