Family School Organization (FSO)
Family School Organization (FSO)
The principle objectives of the FSO shall be to:
A. Demonstrate and promote positive values through a spirit of cooperation and communication between home and school.
B. Promote activities which showcase the academic achievements and talents of the middle school students.
C. Enhance and enrich the overall educational environment by encouraging and promoting family, faculty & student participation and volunteerism.
D. Provide material, services, and/or activities for the students, with teacher and administrative approval, to contribute to academic, physical, and /or social growth. Every effort shall be made to ensure that the broadest number of students at SMS is impacted with respect for requests of materials, services and activities.
E. Consider requests made for support and resources which are not covered by the school budget and/or for school functions that are not specifically run by the FSO.
F. Promote educational and informative programs for students, families, and teachers that include but are not limited to raising the awareness of social issues within our school environment today, i.e. bullying, anti-violence, anti-drug and alcohol, peer-pressure, self-esteem, community service and teamwork.
G. Support the efforts of our teaching staff and to fund activities designed to recognize and reward their efforts, i.e. Teacher and Staff Appreciation Day.
H. Promote and support fitness and nutrition programs and activities.
I. Organize and manage fundraising activities to provide for all FSO objectives.