Health Services

Health Services in Plattsburgh City Schools

Across the District, school nurses provide many of the mandated health services. including screening students for medical conditions such as vision and hearing problems and scoliosis. The State also mandates physical exams in Pre-K, Kindergarten, and Grades 2, 4, 7 and 10. If a student does not have a certificate of examination from their licensed healthcare provider, the nurses can schedule an examination at school. School nurses also ensure that students comply with all immunization requirements.  The district is partnered with Hudson Headwaters for physical exams and as needed consultation.

Valerie Butler, RN, the nurse at Oak Street School, says, “School nurses provide nursing care and education to students of all ages.  At the primary level, that might include teaching students about germs and how to wash their hands properly.  At the intermediate and middle school level, it might be puberty education and hygiene.  In the high school, the need might be how to manage minor sports injuries, or seek out community health services.  School nursing care is guided by the need of the student and is constantly changing”.

Health Services provides help and education on an individual basis to students with food allergies, diabetes, asthma and seizures. They also train faculty and staff to deal with situations that may arise from these conditions, by alerting the School Nurse at the first sign of trouble. For example, there is a peanut-free table in the cafeteria for students with peanut allergies, and the nurses advocate “snack supervision,” educating faculty and staff to ensure that only healthy and safe snacks are available in school.

The District has placed AEDs (automated external defibrillators) in every school. The number of defibrillators per building is dictated by its size and layout, since one must be able to reach an AED from anywhere in the building within 2 minutes.

The nursing staff is actively involved in all health related issues and practices across the District, and is an integral part of providing a safe and healthy environment for Plattsburgh school children.

For Parents