Good morning, Stafford Parents & Guardians!
Happy February, January was a long month, but we made it through!
German Club will meet tomorrow, Tuesday February 4th at 3pm in room B5. They will be learning how to say various body parts in Germain, come one come all!
Chess Club will meet tomorrow, Tuesday February 4th at 3pm in room F3.
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to several students for taking 1st place at the MathCounts Regional competition!!! The team was lead by a student who also took home the 1st place individual trophy!! They will now go on to compete at the State competition, GOOD LUCK!!!
Today, at SMS, is a B-Day and for lunch we are going with an all-time favorite of taco’s, beef or bean, a cilantro lime rice, corn, fresh fruits/veggies and milk!
“When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter & sparkle all week!”