Good morning, Stafford Parents & Guardians!
It’s a quieter day at SMS, but some reminders:
German Club meets again next Tuesday, January 7th at 3pm in room B5. They will be jumping right in so have your student invite a friend to learn more about the German language and culture!!
Girls Modified Orange Team has an away game tonight at NCCS. The bus will leave from PHS at 4:45pm!!
Swim during P.E. is still on hold while they continue to work on the hot water, we will let everyone know when swimming resumes.
We have one birthday in the house who is celebrating today and one over the weekend, we wish them both a VERY happy birthday!
Today, at SMS, is an A-Day, and for lunch they are cooking up some cheese pizza with fresh veggies/fruits and milk!
“FriYAY, what more is there to say!”