SMS Announcements for Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Today is an A Day Yearbook club will meet today after school in G-15. New members are welcome! The Chess Club meets today after school in room F3. The Cross Country Team will be dismissed at 2 pm today. Sports sign ups have started! Please see the nurse to sign up. Modified sports are basketball […]
Today is a B Day Sports sign ups start today! Please see the nurse to sign up. Modified sports are basketball and boys’ swim. If you would like to do a JV or varsity sport – basketball, hockey, cheerleading, indoor track or bowling, you must attend a meeting tomorrow in room G-17 at 3pm. Any […]
Today is an A Day Modified Girls Soccer will be released at 2:30 for a soccer game. There will be an announcement from the office for the release. The bus will depart at 2:45. ALL COOKIE DOUGH FUNDRAISER MONEY IS DUE TO THE GUIDANCE OFFICE BY TODAY!! PLEASE MAKE SURE ALL MONEY AND ORDRER FORMS […]
Today is a B Day Student council will meet today after school In room G-15! ALL STUDENT COUNCIL MEMBERS MUST ATTEND as we have an event this upcoming weekend. The yearbook club will hold a brief informational meeting today after school in G-15. If you are interested in being a part of the yearbook club […]
Today is an A Day! Today is our Emergency Go Home Drill! You’ll pick up your child at St. Johns’ Church at 1:45. Please bring your driver’s license with you. If you noted on the paperwork that your child can walk, they will be released to walk home around 2pm. The girls’ modified soccer […]
Today is a B Day! There is NO SCHOOL Tomorrow! The first meeting of the German Club will take place in Mrs. Klimkiewicz’s Room (B5) today after school. If you are interested in learning about German food, music & culture, you should come check it out! You can pick up a flyer in the main […]
Today is an A Day The first meeting of the German Club will take place in Mrs. Klimkiewicz’s Room (B5) after school on Monday, October 16. If you are interested in learning about German food, music & culture, you should come check it out! Please pick up a flyer beforehand from the office for information! […]
Today is a B Day Math counts will meet today after school in F-3. A district wide homecoming spirit week starts THIS FRIDAY and runs all next week. This Friday is western day. The dress code still applies. The first meeting of the German Club will take place in Mrs. Klimkiewicz’s Room (B5) after […]
Today is a B Day! Chess Club meets today after school in room F3. An informational meeting of the Tech Club will be taking place on Wednesday October 11 after school in room 103. Intramurals are every Tuesday and Thursday afterschool until 3:30 PM
Today is an A Day There is NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY, in honor of National Indigenous Peoples Day! An informational meeting of the Tech Club will be taking place on Wednesday October 11 after school in room 103. Intramurals are on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 3:30. If they are cancelled it will be […]