PBIS @ Momot
Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
Throughout the year you will hear our entire Momot faculty and staff discussing our school wide expectations. Momot Elementary School is using Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) to help ALL students achieve our school and district wide goals. PBIS focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and support positive behavior of all students. It is a proactive systems approach of prevention and response to classroom and school discipline issues.
We have many services and programs in place which support the development and maintenance of safe environments where teachers can teach and students can learn.
Our school wide expectations for behavior are listed in the behavioral matrix. This chart describes the positive behaviors associated with these expectations for all of the areas of our school.
During the first days of school we will be teaching these expectations to all students. Throughout the year, there will be various school assemblies and special programs designed to promote positive behaviors. We hope that you support our program. We are very excited about the opportunities this approach offers all children.
Click here for details about PBIS @ Momot.
Be Safe • Be Respectful • Be Responsible