Today is a B Day!
Reminder to the Monday STEM group that we will meet in Mr. Durham’s room (E-3) immediately following the afternoon announcements today. Class will end promptly at 3:30 so please make arrangements for rides home if necessary.
Science Olympiad Team, there is a Mandatory workday from 3-4 in room C4 with Mrs. Grey today. Bring a binder.
Drama club starts tomorrow after school in the Auditorium. Reminder to those who have signed up to bring their permission slips. There are still 2 spots available, come by room A-4 to sign up. We will meet every Tuesday 3-4:30 until May 28th.
Mr. Hamptons orchestra lessons and Fermata Nowhere are CANCELLED today!
The Spelling Bee Club meets Weds and Thursdays after school in room G7. Please see Ms. Walpole for more details.